
Datum 2024-03-26
Artikeltyp News

MDU invests in Northern Sweden

MDU will invest SEK 60 million to develop and conduct education in Skellefteå in particular.

MDU wishes to contribute to the green transition and skills enhancement in the north. Therefore, over the next three years, the University will invest SEK 60 million to develop and conduct education in Skellefteå in particular.

The initiative concerns the Skellefteå Universities Alliance (SUA), which is a platform where various higher education institutions in Sweden cooperate on higher education in Skellefteå.

“The SUA is an initiative from the Skellefteå municipality, which MDU supports. The entire sector needs to develop to be able to offer relevant and attractive courses and study programmes in the future. We can therefore use this arena, in line with our vision, to be progressive and develop flexible and innovative education offerings,” says Martin Hellström, Vice-Chancellor at MDU.

This investment in education will take place in various phases with hybrid teaching as a first step, which will be supplemented by teaching on campus at a later date. The aim is that MDU will offer 250 study places in the long run.

Education that we offer in Skellefteå autumn 2024:


This is why MDU is investing in Skellefteå

  • It is in line with MDU’s vision of being a progressive and collaborative University where together we will shape a sustainable future.
  • It is an opportunity to take into account the skills and the commitment around educational development that exists among MDU’s employees.
  • MDU has the capacity to offer additional study places which can be used to offer study places also in Skellefteå.
  • The development of the private and public sectors in Sweden has for a long time been closely linked with the necessary development of higher education and research.
  • In global terms, we are moving towards more open courses and programmes offered within higher education. Technology enables us to cooperate and offer courses and study programmes in new locations and in new formats to a much higher degree.

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