
Datum 2023-08-22
Artikeltyp News

Park at campus in Västerås

You can now collect the parking permits for autumn 2023 at the Student Centre. The permit is used for parking at the MDU Västerås campus.

There are now parking permits for autumn 2023 to collect at Student Centre. The permit is used for parking at the MDU Västerås campus.

The parking permit gives you a reduced fee in the parking lots at MDU in Västerås. To collect your parking permit, please visit the Student Centre in person and show your ID. You can collect your parking permit from 22 August.

The old permit for autumn 2022 and spring 2023 is valid until September 10. You must have a new permit from 11 September (week 37) or you will be fined from that date.

You place the permit in the car’s windshield with the term marking clearly visible. If you have forgotten the permit, you must pay the normal rate according to the instructions on the information board at the current parking lot.

Please note that there are different operators for the car parks around the university and the purchased ticket is only valid for the intended parking. This means that a ticket purchased from, for example, Aimo Park is only valid in the Aimo Park car park.

The parking permit is a document of value!

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