
Datum 2022-10-19
Artikeltyp News

Well-attended Thesis and degree project days

Almost 800 students talked about thesis topics and degree projects with 40 companies and organisations, during the Thesis and Degree Project Days in Västerås and Eskilstuna.

You could feel the buzz and energy when our committed and interested students met the exhibitors in Länken at the Västerås campus and at MITC in Eskilstuna.

Thesis and degree project days at MITC in Eskilstuna.

“When we at Alstom develop tomorrow's solutions for sustainable transport, we need employees who have plenty of ideas and will take the initiative. The MDU fair was a fantastic opportunity to meet many interested and curious students who I hope will be my colleagues in the future,” says Ganesh Chandramouli, Innovation Manager at Alstom.

For students, the Thesis and degree project days are an excellent opportunity to meet with the companies and organisations and get an idea of what type of assignments are available, and perhaps already start developing contacts or researching a subject area. Besides the fair, people mingled, short company presentations were made and new contacts established.

“We want to make it easy for both students and companies to meet. Many exhibitors had several ready-made degree projects to offer, but they were also open to discussions about other suggestions. This year, we saw a huge interest from students and participants which was great,” says Tiina Kikerpuu, Collaboration Coordinator at MDU.

Leine Linde was one of the exhibitors at the Thesis and Degree project days in Eskilstuna.

Advertising portal for thesis subjects, degree projects and assignments

On MDU's advertising portal, employers can post their job vacancies, placements, project assignments or suggestions for thesis subjects and degree projects throughout the year. As a student, you can also propose assignments or topics for a thesis yourself, which you would like to do at a company or organisation.

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