Vision, goals and strategy
A progressive and collaborative University where together we shape a sustainable future
MDU's vision was introduced on 1 January 2021. It has been developed in discussion with employees, students and collaborative partners and looks ahead to 2030. We have established several goals and strategies to achieve this vision.
The vision is based on three main components:
We are a progressive University
In a changing world, MDU offers flexible, innovative and high-quality research, courses and study programmes with technical excellence that encourage curiosity, innovation capacity, critical thinking and lifelong learning among students.
We create value through collaboration
The co-producing research and education environments are engines for knowledge development and innovation. Thanks to a unique collaboration between academia, civil society, the private and public sector, value is generated in a global society.
We shape a sustainable future
Based on a disciplinary foundation, with an inclusive approach and long-term viewpoint, MDU's research and education promotes social, ecological and economic sustainability.
Goals and strategy
For everyone who is active at MDU to be able to attain our vision we have established four goals for MDU as a higher education institution, four goals for our educational activities and four goals for our research:
MDU as a higher education institution
Our objectives are:
- We dare to challenge and to be challenged
- Strong collaboration is our trademark
- We promote a sustainable future and practise what we preach
- We are recognised as good higher education institution to study and work at
Therefore our strategy should prioritise that we:
- bolster the initiatives related to collaboration and utilisation
- develop and implement structures for our teachers' scientific, educational, artistic and collaborative skills enhancement, the acquisition of qualifications and career planning
- further develop MDU as an attractive workplace and learning environment for employees, students and collaborative partners
Our objectives are:
- To be creative and constantly develop our courses and study programmes and learning environments
- To be a national leader in offering courses and study programmes that address the challenges of today and tomorrow and contribute to a sustainable society
- To enable our students and doctoral students to contribute to a sustainable society which is highly valued by the surrounding community
- To be pioneering in giving our students and doctoral students the skills both through and for collaboration
Therefore our strategy should prioritise that we:
- develop a sustainable and specialised educational offering which is attractive to prospective students in Sweden and abroad
- integrate elements focusing on societal challenges into all degree programmes
- develop ways of working to motivate more people to start and complete higher education
- enable learning over a lifetime by means of new ways of designing courses and study programmes and learning environments
Our objectives are:
- That our research is of high quality and is characterised by innovation and a richness of perspective
- To attain research excellence which addresses the challenges of today and tomorrow and contributes to a sustainable society
- To be an international role model and national leader when it comes to the application of research
- That our doctoral education is renowned for addressing research issues through collaboration and with interdisciplinary approaches
Therefore our strategy should prioritise that we:
- bolster the conditions for the research specialisations in terms of enhancing quality, impact and specialisation
- invest in Future Energy and Dependable smart systems in particular to further strengthen their international competitiveness
- contribute to solving societal challenges through research in these areas: (1) Sustainable upbringing – young people's learning and well-being, (2) People-centred technologies for a sustainable future and (3) Management, working life and leadership for a sustainable future
- develop new methods to benefit from the impact and utilisation of research
We create value through collaboration
The co-producing research and education environments are engines for knowledge development and innovation. Thanks to a unique collaboration between academia, civil society, the private and public sector, value is generated in a global society.
We help shape a sustainable future
On a scientific basis, with its inclusive approach and long-term perspective, MDU's research and education promotes social, ecological and economic sustainability.
MDU's Research and Education Strategy forms the basis for the entire University's operations from the years 2017 to 2022. The following four common goals are part of the strategy that the University works towards:
- MDU offers high-quality programmes and courses at Bachelor’s, Masters and Research/Doctoral Studies level.
- MDU conducts acclaimed and, in some fields, leading research.
- MDU has students and research students who are satisfied with their education.
- MDU has employees and leaders that are skilled, are willing and have the prerequisites to contribute to the University's development.
Collaboration that creates value
The Research and Education Strategy also states that MDU will be a leader in the country when collaborating with the surrounding society. The University has several strategic agreements with private industry and the public sector that help strengthen the quality of the University's research and education and ensure that students' skills are in demand in the labour market.
MDU hosts three centres of expertise and research that serve as meeting places between researchers, students, private industry and the public sector. Automation Region and Robotdalen are two operations that connect the University's research and education with many member organisations, most of them in the private sector. The Social Contract is a public sector centre of expertise and research and includes MDU, Eskilstuna Municipality and Västerås Municipality.
Close link between
research and education
The University's Strategy states that research and education should go hand in hand and proof of this is that the University has signed the Magna Charta Universitatum document – a democratic agreement that approx. The agreement emphasises the HEI’s responsibility for education in society, and that research and education are one unit and not two separate parts.
Research conducted at the University, which in some domains is internationally prominent, serves as a scientific basis for the programmes and courses and is of value and benefit to society.
MDU also works actively with equality issues as well as developing the digitalisation of the University's operations. MDU's goal is to prepare students for a changing society, which affects the content, form and pedagogy of the programmes and courses.
Continuous focus on quality
The University is an organisation of learning that constantly strives for high quality in both education and research. Through a systematic working approach, the University's quality system will support the implementation of education and research, but also capture and address shortcomings and ensure development. An important aspect of the quality efforts is that all students can evaluate each completed course. Additionally, as a student, it is possible to influence quality efforts by getting involved in the Student Union.