Online tools for teaching
To support teaching and learning, several online tools are available. Here you will find some helpful didactic advice and experiences.
Lärum also offers technical support for the online tools External link.several days a week.
To get support with networks, computers and other hardware, please contact the IT Division.
Course: Canvas for teachers
Canvas is the learning management plattform that MDU uses for teaching and learning. Lärum educates and supports teachers in the pedagogical use of Canvas. Our key words are: Learning in focus, having a clear structure, creating a sense of belonging and variation.
Canvas introduction for teachers External link. or in Swedish: Canvas grundkurs för lärare External link.
Create structure in Canvas
With the help of modules, the course content can be given a sequential and clear structure that is easy for the course participant to follow. As a teacher you can therefore show how the course's lectures, seminars and other learning activities are related to the intended course learning outcomes and examination.
Show a clear path through the course that makes it easy for students to find what they need for their learning.
We give some concrete tips on how courses can be designed in our presentation of Makeover by Lärum
Create interaction in Canvas
Creating a sense of belonging and context between classmates and teachers is important for learning. Being addressed personally and having interactive learning activities can boost this. Here are some suggestions:
- Use Announcements to clearly show your presence on the course.
- Record a short video (1-2 mins) with a question students should answer in text or as a video clip.
- There is a group function in Canvas where groups have their own workspace and can share files, create pages, discuss topics, etc.
The tools from FeedbackFruits can be used to create discussion and interaction in documents or video.
Learn more about how FeedbackFruits works in Canvas External link..
What is new for the spring semester 2022 is that you can use the external tool "FeedbackFruits" in the Canvas text editor and then select document, video or audio.
Zoom is a meeting tool for teaching and learning. Some useful links are:
- Install Zoom client External link. (This applies to both employees and students and to use all the functions of Zoom).
- Zoom Help Center External link.
- Background images to Zoom External link.
Important with clarity
When Lärum asked students what they wanted from Zoom, many answered that they want more interaction with their teachers and fellow students. They want to know what applies regarding camera use, how they ask questions and how they should be prepared for the specific lesson.
Encourage your students to form their own study groups that can meet and work together in Zoom. Students have the same features in Zoom as teachers if they are logged in correctly.
Video and MDU-Play
Lärum has the use of a film studio in Västerås and in Eskilstuna for the recording of videos for teaching purposes:
- Lärum can show you how things work in the film studio and how videos can be used in teaching.
- Lärum can show you how to do easier editing of the recorded material.
- On MDU Play External link. the videos for teaching purposes can be stored and streamed.
- MDU Play External link. can be combined with Canvas.
Tips for recording videos:
- Write a clear-cut script on what is going to be said
- Try not to talk too fast and talk clearly
- Do not place anything important (e.g., name badge) on the bottom 25% of the image That's where subtitles appear if the video is going to be subtitled
- Stand with the light from the front and with the microphone close to you.
Record videos with PowerPoint
If your computer is equipped with Windows 10, you should also have a recording tool in PowerPoint. The recording tool has its own tab and you must select it yourself to show it:
- In PowerPoint, go to File > Options > Customise ribbon
- Check the box “Recording" and then click OK to save the change.
For the recording to turn into a video, it is important that you save it as a video. You will find this option on the Recording tab > Export to Video.
Then you can choose the resolution. For uploading to MDU Play, we recommend that you use the highest resolution. It usually takes a while to create a video.
When the video is finished, it is good to upload it to MDU Play External link.. There you can also download a link or an embedded code for your courses. Watch a film about recording in PowerPoint. External link.
Use a combination of teaching on-site and online e.g. hybrid
There are many different concepts related to teaching arrangements in lecture theatres and online.
At Lärum we have interpreted and summarised some of the most common methods but there are more variants. The different variations can be complex to plan and implement based on the premise that all participants have the same conditions to be able to benefit from the teaching. Flexible solutions can also entail a greater workload for the teacher.
An openness to flexible solutions is good, but educational planning should be the point of departure for what is offered. It is important to give students the conditions to be active and interact during the teaching.
The below list is intended as a guide to orient yourself among some of the different variants that may occur. Contact us at Lärum External link. to discuss further.
We have a list of variants for on-site and online combinations (in swedish):
⬇️ Lista på varianter för sal och online Pdf, 199.5 kB, opens in new window.